Saturday, 4 May 2013

Good enough for you xXx

Did you ever just feel your not good enough...?

Like no matter what, Your best just isn't enough and no matter how hard you try there's always someone who has something negative to say criticising, that brings you down, and you can't live up to people's expectations.

Well I have anyway, there's been many occasions were I have felt worthless and not good enough...but usually it's not you that's the problem it's the ones who judge that have a problem...not with you, but with themselves..!

When I was quite young, I learned a valuable lesson that in fact, no matter are always on your own, you have to be independent and you have to love yourself in order for others to love you (sounds a bit negative, but the truth hurts!) So you really don't need to live up to anyone else's standards but your own :-)

Like We all go through little tests in life, they either make or break you.. I can honestly put my hands up where I'm at a stage in my life that I don't need anyone, I want people there, yes I'm insecure at times and an occasional needy bitch (lets be honest who isn't) but the point I'm getting to here is you should be proud of yourself, and all your accomplishments big or small, because you are deadly (yes you!) if somebody tries to tell you different welllll darling you don't need that negativity in your life...!! Usually any bad things to happen to you are blessings in disguise, they give you fire in your belly and some get up and go :-) I know that's what gives me my drive anyway..!

If you've ever been a bit depressed, you will know how important positivity is, like usually when you peel back a few layers and simplify any problem you will realise that it's easily solved. We all get down and stressed over such silly things that might not even happen.

Appreciate what you have, who your surrounded by and what you've done and I promise you will soon be smiling, for every bad thing I'm sure you can come up with at least three good..!

There is no better feeling than not giving a fuck about others opinions (excuse the French!) and being comfortable in your own skin, knowing who you are and where your going with it..!

Remember head up, shoulders back, don't slouch because you have nothing to be ashamed of..!

Again I'd like to thank anyone who reads my little thoughts on the blog xx

Love Debs

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